
The Fatherhood of God: Being the First Course of the Cunningham Lectures is unavailable, but you can change that!

The lectures contained in The Fatherhood of God were first delivered in 1864 as part of the Cunningham Lecture Series in Edinburgh, Scotland. Candlish revised the lectures for book form, adding detailed notes at the end of each lecture. The following lectures are included: • “The Original Relation of Man to God” • “The Fatherhood of God, as Manifested in the Person of Christ, the...

judgment. They aspire to the liberty of independence. It is as proud, rebellious subjects, not as ill-conditioned sons, that they disobey, and come under the condemnation of disobedience. And if that be so, then it follows that it is a trial of their obedience as subjects that their faithful brethren stand. They too are tested, not as sons, but as subjects. The trial is, whether they will proudly insist on being their own masters, or meekly consent to be ruled? At any rate, it is only after their
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